An offline region defined by a style URL, geographic bounding box, zoom range, and device pixel ratio.
Both minZoom and maxZoom must be ≥ 0, and maxZoom must be ≥ minZoom.
maxZoom may be ∞, in which case for each tile source, the region will include tiles from minZoom up to the maximum zoom level provided by that source.
pixelRatio must be ≥ 0 and should typically be 1.0 or 2.0.
if includeIdeographs is false, offline region will not include CJK glyphs
Constructor to create an OfflineTilePyramidDefinition from parameters.
Constructor to create an OfflineTilePyramidDefinition from parameters.
Constructor to create an OfflineTilePyramidDefinition from a Parcel.
Gets the bounds of the OfflineRegion.
Specifies whether to include ideographic glyphs in downloaded font data. Ideographic glyphs make up the majority of downloaded font data, but it is possible to configure the renderer to use locally installed fonts instead of relying on fonts downloaded as part of the offline pack.
Gets the pixel ratio of the OfflineRegion map.